Nursery News

Dear Parents, Thank you for a wonderful school year! We really appreciated your generosity, especially all the donations and goodies you supplied to make our special occasions extra special. It was a pleasure to have your children in our class! We are amazed with how...

Nursery News

Its hard to believe that our school year is quickly coming to an end. We had such a great time learning and growing together this year! We will celebrate a great school year on Thursday, June 8th at 9:30 am in the Chapel (please drop your children off at their...

Nursery News

This week we are getting ready for Mother’s Day this Sunday! We are talking about what makes our moms special and creating special presents for our Mothers. We will also read books about a mother’s love for her child. We are very excited to have...

Nursery News

This week we will explore letter V, letter W and the theme of flowers. We are switching to water and boats in the sensory table. We will also begin to practice our songs for our Closing Program. It should be a great week! Please save the following dates: Wednesday,...