Nursery News – Week of 11/13

This week we will explore the holiday – “Thanksgiving”.  We will discuss what we are thankful for and create a class wreath displaying all of our many blessings.  We will say thank you to God at Jesus time and discuss how Jesus wanted us all to be gracious.  In...

Nursery News-Week of Nov. 6th

This week we are diving into leaves and the changes that the season of Fall brings.  Our art projects include a Thanksgiving placemat and a leaf rubbing. For homework this week, please go on a leaf hunt with your family and find your favorite leaf to bring to class....

Nursery News – Week of Oct. 30th

This week we will celebrate the color orange with pumpkin parties, stories and activities.  We will have special pumpkin parties on Monday and Tuesday.  A big, “Thank you!” to all the families who were able to donate party goods!  Don’t forget to wear orange and bring...