by Christine Pepitone | Dec 1, 2019 | Nursery (3 Year Olds)
The Christmas season has officially begun! This past Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is the time when we prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. We will discuss Advent and create an Advent wreath in class. We will also be preparing for our...
by Christine Pepitone | Nov 24, 2019 | Nursery (3 Year Olds)
We are looking forward to a short, but exciting week full of holiday plans. We are continuing to explore Native American culture, as we did last week. We are reading stories, singing songs and exploring epitaphs / artistic styles that describe the native peoples of...
by Christine Pepitone | Nov 17, 2019 | Nursery (3 Year Olds)
Another holiday season is upon us! We are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving together and to thank God for our many blessings. This week we will focus on the historical first Thanksgiving. We will read many stories about the first Thanksgiving and then compare...
by Christine Pepitone | Nov 12, 2019 | Nursery (3 Year Olds)
The holidays are quickly approaching. Thanksgiving will be here soon enough. This week we will learn about turkeys and feeling “thankful”. We will read many stories about turkeys and learn about the unfortunate fate of these birds on Thanksgiving day. We will...
by Christine Pepitone | Nov 3, 2019 | Nursery (3 Year Olds)
I hope everyone enjoyed learning all about the colors! I enjoyed getting to know your children better while exploring many colorful activities over the past few weeks. This week we begin getting ready for Thanksgiving. We will create Thanksgiving placemats and math...
by Christine Pepitone | Oct 27, 2019 | Nursery (3 Year Olds)
This is the season for picking orange pumpkins! This week our class will learn all about pumpkins. The children will combine red and yellow paint into an orange fingerpainting that will be turned into a pumpkin for our pumpkin patch. We will read a variety of books...