All About Penguins in ECC2

This week in our class we will continue to explore the cold temperatures that winter often brings.  We will learn about the science of ice and conduct a science project freezing liquid water into solid ice.  We will then put the frozen water into the sensory table to...

Happy New Year ECC2!

I hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas and have enjoyed the start of a great new year!  This will be the first week of school in 2020.  We will be focusing on getting back into school routines.  We will also discuss the season of winter and learn about the...

ECC2 Celebrates Christmas!

What a great week we had last week!  The Nursery Christmas program and breakfast was wonderful.  The children worked very hard getting ready for the program and they did a wonderful job.  Thank you to everyone who helped out or donated to our breakfast. This week is...