Class Notes for the Week of December 16th

Hello everyone! Can you feel the excitement in the air? T-9 days until we celebrate the birth of our dear Savior! Until then, we have a full week of school to keep our focus. On Wednesday during 8th period, 8AA will have a small Christmas party that our wonderful...

Class Notes for the week of December 9th

Greetings, everyone! Here are the latest updates from Social Studies and 8AA. 8th Social Studies Toward the end of last week, the eighth graders worked in groups to develop ideas for successful businesses, just as the great businessmen of the early 20th century did....

Class Notes for the 1st Week of December

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We are now in the final stretch before Christmas break, and we have a lot to do between now and then. There are also several activities and events taking place this month, so please consult the school calendar to keep up...

Class Notes for the Week of November 18th

Welcome to the start of a new week! This week, not only will report cards be sent home, but Parent- Teacher Conferences will take place all day on Thursday. If you have not signed up, please log on and select one of the remaining open slots. In addition to the regular...

Class Notes for the Week of 11/12/13

Greetings! I hope everyone had a restful long weekend as we reflected on the sacrifices made by our service members who have served/are serving in combat. We are truly thankful. On a different note, there were several notices that went home this afternoon regarding...

Class Notes for the Week of November 4th

Hello everyone! The 2013-2014 school is flying by, and we are already coming to the close of the first quarter. Parent/Teacher conferences will take place on November 21st, and you may sign up for a time slot here. I look forward to meeting with all of you! 8th Social...