News from Mrs. Skoch October 14-17

Happy Tuesday, everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. This week the students will be taking the Terra Nova Exams. Therefore, the class schedule will be a little out of the norm. 8th Social Studies This week the 8th grade will be finishing their study of...

News from Mrs. Skoch: 9/29-10/3

Happy Monday, everyone! Just a couple of reminders before going into the work for this week: 1) If your child will be purchasing hot lunch for the month of October, please download the menu and send it in ASAP. 2) Denim Day is Friday, October 3rd. The donation is $3,...

Updates from Mrs. Skoch 9/22-9/26

First of all, thank you to everyone who came for Back to School Night. It is always a pleasure seeing and speaking to all of you, and I hope that together, this will be a fantastic year for your children. In addition to the regular academic program, the extra...