Notes from Mrs. Skoch: First Week of December

Happy December, everyone! I hope all of you had a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving. We have three week of school before we go on Christmas break, and there is much to complete between now and then. Here are the updates for this week: 8th Math This week we will begin...

Updates from Mrs. Skoch: 11/17-11/21

Greetings! As usual there are many things going on this week at Trinity: * If you have not returned your child’s response for the Christmas trip to Radio City, please do so by Friday. *Your child’s selection for the Thanksgiving feast also needs to be...

Updates from Mrs. Skoch: The week of November 10th

Hello, all! I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend. While this too is a short week, there is still plenty going on. Please be on the look out for several notices. There is a letter going home regarding the Parent Portal and report cards, a notice about the annual...

Updates from Mrs. Skoch for the Week of November 3rd

Hello Everyone! I apologize for the delay in posting this week! There is quite a lot going on this week, so here is the latest news: 8th Social Studies This week we are continuing to study life in the Wild West, specifically the lives of the cowhands and the farmers....

Updates from Mrs. Skoch: 10/27-10/31

Happy Monday, everyone! This week at Trinity, we are celebrating school spirit with Spirit Week. The rules and regulations were sent home last week, and we are all looking forward to an enjoyable week of friendly competition among the Middle School. 8th Religion There...

Notes from Mrs. Skoch: 10/20-24

Hello all! I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend we just had. This week we have a lot going on. First, tomorrow is picture day. Each student received an order form. Please contact the office if you need another copy. Second, Wednesday is Orange Day, to show...