Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of November 30th

Greetings! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration with your families and friends. As Christians, we now begin the season of Advent, in which we prepare not only to celebrate the birth of our Savior, but we also remember that we are to be ready for...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the week of November 23rd

Hello, everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! Since this is a short week of school, I just have a few notes. 8th Social Studies The eighth grade will have a test on chapter 17 on Monday, November 23rd. The study guide was posted last week, but you can view it here. Extra help...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes- November 9th- 13th

Hello, everyone! While this is a short week, there are still many events and tasks to accomplish. I am looking forward to meeting with many of you at conferences on Tuesday. 8th Social Studies This week we are looking at the growth of the cattle industry and the life...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of October 26th

Hell, everyone, and welcome back for a new week! It’s Spirit Week here at Trinity, and all the middle schoolers are very excited for all of the festivities. Nonetheless, we still have a full week of academic work ahead. 8th Social Studies On Tuesday, the...