Mrs. Skoch’s Class Notes for the Week of June 5th

The countdown is on! Just 10 more days of school before summer vacation! Right now we are continuing to review for final exams. The social studies final will be on Monday, June 12th, starting at 12:30 p.m. and Religion will be on Wednesday, June 14th, at 8:45 a.m. The...

Mrs. Skoch’s Class Notes for the Week of May 29th

I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend. This week we are beginning to review for final exams. Each day the students will receive review work for 2-3 chapters. All of the tests will encompass work from the entire school year, but the social studies tests will...

Mrs. Skoch’s Class Notes for the Week of May 15th

As of this week, we are officially one month away from the end of the school year, and what a wonderful year it has been! While we are starting to wind down the year, we still quite a bit to accomplish in the coming weeks- projects, tests, and final exams. Here are...

Mrs. Skoch’s Class Notes for the Week of May 8th

Welcome back to a new week at Trinity! Here are the plans for this week. 7th Social Studies This week the classes are reviewing for a test on Chapter 9, The Era of Thomas Jefferson. Highlights from this chapter include The Lewis & Clark expedition and the War of...