Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of May 7th

Hello, everyone. Here are the plans for this week. 7th Social Studies On Friday, the students began viewing a National Geographic documentary about the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the west. This week, they will finish the film and will complete a quiz on...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of April 30th

Greetings to all! This week, each class and subject will be beginning new topics. 7th Social Studies On Tuesday, seventh grade will take their test on chapter 8. Extra help will be available on Tuesday morning. On Wednesday, we will begin studying the presidency of...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of April 23rd

Hello, everyone. Each class that I teach has a test coming up in the near future. Here are the details for each: 8th Religion Eighth grade will have a test on Unit 4 on Tuesday, April 24th. We have gone over the study guide and outlined the details for the essay...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of April 16th

Welcome back for a new week. This week the students will be taking the Terra Nova exam, but the schedule has been adjusted so we will still be meeting for classes. Here is the news for this week: 7th Social Studies This week the students will continue to learn about...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of April 9th

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! I hope each of you had a restful break and a blessed Easter. This week there are many events going on here at Trinity. Tuesday is Career Day, Wingo is this Friday evening, and the 8th grade will finally take their trip to...

Notes from Mrs. Skoch for the Week of March 26th

Greetings to all! As of Monday, March 26th, I am officially back! I am glad that I was able to fulfill my civic duty to my community, but I am absolutely thrilled to be back in the classroom. Since this is a short week of school, in all of my classes we will be...