Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of October 29th

Welcome back to a new, fresh week, and the start of the third month of our school year! Last week we celebrated Spirit Week, and a good time was had by all. This week, we are getting back to our regular routine. Here are the plans for this week. 7th Social Studies To...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of October 22

Happy Spirit Week 2018! This is always an exciting week of the school year, and I am looking forward to a little friendly competition among the homerooms. May the best class win! Even though this is Spirit Week, we are moving full speed ahead with our regular...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of October 15th

Greetings to one and all! 8aa Homeroom There are a few big events happening this week. First, 8AA picture day is Wednesday, October 17th. If your child did not bring home a form, have them check their mailbox at school. Second, the annual Food Drive is underway....

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of October 8th

Greetings to one and all. Here are the plans for this week: 7th Social Studies This week we will be focusing on learning about the sites we will see on our trip to Boston and Salem later this week. Do not expect much homework this week. The following week we will be...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of October 1st

October! Already!? The 2018-2019 school year is flying by. Along with a new month come new units of study. Here are the updates for each class: Seventh Grade Social Studies First, the students did an outstanding job on their first chapter test and are showing a great...