
As we say goodbye to March, we will continue, in all three classes, working on our research papers! This week our poet projects are due for our April Poetry Month hallway display.

ELA March 17-21

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! This is a 4 day week with the students having off on Friday. All 3 classes at hard at work on our MLA research papers!!  Topics are being chosen and research will begin! Stay tuned! Poet Research Banners are due Tuesday, March 25th.  No...

ELA March 10-14

Our 8th graders had an amazing NYC experience with a very successful field trip!  It was a privilege to be a part of this experience for them. This week we will be beginning our 4-6 week research paper.  During this time, we break the process down of research writing...

ELA 3/3-3/7

Happy March! 8th Grade:  This week our students will be exploring The Boy in the Striped Pajamas to further prepare for our field trip on Friday!  We are very excited to share this experience with your children. 6 and 7thThis week’s goal is to finish the...

ELA 2/24-2/28

Welcome back!! February has flown by! This week 6th and 7th grade will continue on their novels and questions.  We are more than half way through the novels and will continue reading and writing and discussing theme and characterization. 8th grade is reading The Diary...

ELA 2/10-2/14

8th Grade: Students will be finishing a two day Black History Month Research Escape Room on Monday. Tuesday will begin our mini unit on the Diary of Anne Frank, which is the play version in our textbook.  This unit will prepare the students for the once-in-a-lifetime...