by Admin | Oct 29, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING – Our essential question is, ” How do tools help us do things with our hands?” To help us answer the question we will read, The Little Red Hen, The Handiest Things in the World, and Stone Soup. Lesson 5 is a review of Lessons 1-4. We will be...
by Admin | Oct 21, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- Our essential question is: “What kinds of work do people do?” To help us answer that question we will read and discuss the stories, Pizza at Sally’s, Everybody Works, The Elves and the Shoemaker, and The Lion and the Mouse. Our sound this...
by Admin | Oct 16, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- Refer to last week’s blog for our reading concepts, as we are not moving forward to our next lesson until next week. MATH- Our focus this week is to compare numbers to 5 reviewing the terms equal, more/greater than, and less/fewer than. We will use...
by Admin | Oct 10, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- Our essential question this week is, “Why do people have to take care of their pets?” To help us answer the question we will read and discuss the stories, I Have a Pet, Please, Puppy, Please, and Different Kinds of Dogs.” The class is also...
by Admin | Oct 1, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- Our essential question this week is, ” Why do we have rules at school?” The stories Friends at School, How Do Dinosaurs Go to School and My School Bus, will help us answer the question. The class will also review alphabet letters, learn some...
by Admin | Sep 23, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING – Our essential question this week is, “What is the same about all families?” The class will answer the question as we read and discuss the stories, Building with Dad, What Makes a Family, and Poems about Families. You can help by discussing...