by Admin | Jan 22, 2019 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- This week we are completing Lesson 11 which we started last week. (See notes from last week.) MATH- Our next chapter, Chapter 6, is on Subtraction, (take away.) This week we will use pictures to act out and a ten frame to learn the concept, “taking away...
by Admin | Jan 14, 2019 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- As we begin our next unit, please note, that our high frequency words will increase from one to two words per week. Please practice all words on a daily basis, so your child can learn to read fluently. Our essential question is,”How does the weather...
by Admin | Jan 6, 2019 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- Lesson 10 is a review lesson. The essential question, ” What can we create with shapes?” will be answered as we read and discuss the stories, David’s Drawings, Mouse Shapes, and Signs and Shapes. We will review identifying beginning sounds...
by Admin | Dec 17, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- Last week and this week our essential question is, “Why do people use wheels?” To help us answer the question we will read, Good Morning Digger, What Do Wheels Do All Day? and Wheels Long Ago and Today. Our high frequency word is “to”...
by Admin | Dec 2, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- Last week we answered the essential question, ” How do animals and people communicate?” by reading the stories Amelia’s Show-and-Tell Fiesta, Mice Squeak, We Speak, and The Fort Worth Zoo. This week we will answer the essential question,...
by Admin | Nov 18, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- We continue to review all sight words learned and use them in sentences, blend sounds using the short “a” sound, discuss and identify action verbs, and discuss how we use our Five Senses to learn about the world around us. MATH- We will begin...