ECC2-Nursery News-6/10-6/11

WOW WHAT A YEAR IT HAS BEEN!!!! I cant believe that these are our last days together. It has been a wonderful year! You should all be so incredibly proud of your children. This year has been filled with laughter, learning, kindness, friendships and of course some...

ECC2-Nursery News-6/3-6/7

We made it to our last week of school! I cant believe it!!!! We have a fun week ahead. Our theme for the week is summer fun and ocean animals. We are also celebrating all our friends with summer birthdays this week. PLEASE SEND IN ANY LIBRARY BOOKS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN...

ECC2-Nursery News- 5/28-5/31

Happy Memorial Day! I hope you are enjoying the long weekend! This week we will be learning about the many different types and parts of flowers. We will also be talking about how bees help our flowers. For Jesus time we will be talking about how Jesus cares for the...

ECC2-Nursery News-5/20-5/22

Hello ECC2 families! We had a great week learning about fruits. On Friday we had a fruit taste test, the children enjoyed seeing and tasting a variety of fruits. This week we will be learning about the many different types of vegetables. For Jesus time our discussion...