Meet the Teacher This Week!

I am looking forward to meeting with parents this week.  Please come to your scheduled conference time prepared with your child’s report card and any questions or concerns you may have.  I try to adhere to the ten minute meeting schedule, however, as a parent, I...

Ms. Hansen’s Notes- Week of 11/18

Over the past few weeks, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the kindness that is shown in 2AA. The students lift each other up in so many ways and are very quick to lend a helping hand when someone is struggling. At a young age, they set a great example for...
Trinity Times – Week of November 18th

Trinity Times – Week of November 18th

Koinonia: Learning as a Community Trinity seventh graders and chaperones began the journey to Koinonia with anticipation.  The students had heard about the retreat from the eighth graders who were there last year:  some positive details, some “facts” purposely laced...

  During Science Friday on the 8th, both classes got together to do activities relating to our weather unit.  Mrs. Vetter and I have found bringing the students together to do experiments, projects, and writing activities has been a great way to immerse them in...

Ms. Hansen’s Notes- Week of 11/12

We have been very busy in 2AA! The students have been working cooperatively on projects and diving into many different books. We are getting into the Thanksgiving spirit with our class chapter book from the Nate the Great series. Here’s a look at what we will be...
Trinity Times – Week of November 18th

Trinity Times – Week of November 11th

“Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is...