Trinity Times – January 20

Trinity Times – January 20

Greetings from the Fourth Grade! In Mrs. Sanders’ and Mrs. Vetter’s classes the students are only two years away from Middle School. They spend their days working hard at learning new things and developing good study habits, while at the same time, putting great...

Ms. Hansen’s Notes- Week of 1/21

Last week, we took some time to discuss how God gives us each different strengths and talents. We then shared what we saw to be each other’s strengths. This cross now hangs on our classroom door to remind us that together we are one. Here’s a look at what we...

4AA Class Notes – Week of 1/21/14

REMINDERS: No reminders this week TESTS THIS WEEK: 1/22 – Social Studies Test (Chapter 4) 1/23 – Science Test (Chapter 8) 1/23 – Memory Quiz (8th Commandment and meaning) 1/24 – Spelling Test (Unit 17) UPCOMING TESTS/QUIZZES: 1/30 –...
Trinity Times – January 20

Trinity Times – Week of January 13

A “Wintry Mix” in the Art Room . . . Our recent blizzard and COLD wintery weather are the perfect inspiration for many of the fun projects our students are creating in the art room. Here are a few highlights of  our current creations: Fourth Grade   ~  Snowmen with...

Week of January 13th

Happy New Year! I hope everyone is having a great start to 2014!! This week we will discuss the story of Jesus by the Sea of Tiberias from John 21. The Middle School will be attending an Assembly on Bullying this week which will also be discussed in class. The Memory...