Trinity Times 3/9/15

We have two front pages today due to the weather closings last week.   March 10, 2015     Dear Parents, Students, Faculty, and Staff,   Now that March is well on its way, an extremely busy time for our middle school students has approached...

Mr. Livingston Week of 3/9

Attention all students: If you have not joined the Google classroom for your class, please do so immediately! Science News: Clocks get set an hour ahead Sunday March 8th. Did you know that Daylight savings time was established so that farmers could get the maximum...

1A Class News – Week of 3/6/15

Our reader of the week this week is Vivich! Have a great week, and feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns: [email protected] REMINDERS: The first grade will be hosting our chapel service this week. Please feel free to come and join us...

Trinity Times 3/6/15

Registration/transportation   School districts have sent out their forms for transportation for next year.  Please make sure you get that back to your district by April 1.  All children must be registered with Trinity before your district will give out textbooks and...

1A Class News – Week of 3/2/15

Our reader of the week this week is Moriah! Happy birthday, Travis! Have a great week, and feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns: [email protected] REMINDERS: Trinity’s next open house is this Saturday, March 7th from 12-2pm. If...

Mr. Livingston Week of 3/2

Attention all students: If you have not joined the Google classroom for your class, please do so immediately! 8th Grade Earth Science: This week we will  finish our study of Earth motions. We will have a test on this on Friday (this Friday) March 6, 2015. 7th Grade...