4th Grade News – week of October 31st

We are coming to the end of our first marking quarter.  It’s hard to believe how much we have already accomplished and learned this year!  The students are picking up good study habits and working on Math strategies and mastering the multiplication process. ...

4th Grade Class Notes – week of October 17th

Thank you to Mrs. Thelusca and Ms. Barbosa for offering to be our class parents this year.  They have sent a note home this week with information about our class events for the year.  It’s essential that we all work together as a school family to make everything...

4th Grade News – Week of 10/10

Our class has been working on test taking strategies and study skills.  All students should be studying 3-4 nights before exams.  In each subject area they are given a variety of study materials, such as vocabulary cards, lesson notes, graphic organizers, and chapter...

Nursery News

Welcome to Blue week!  We are reading Blueberries For Sal and creating our own basket of blueberries with our fingerprints.  We are making our own blueberry muffins to eat at snack on Wednesday and Thursday.  We are graphing our favorite blue snack and exploring the...

4th Grade News – week of October 3rd

Students in the 4th grade  have finished their first month of school! We have gotten our routines and everyone is working on following instructions and participating in our lessons.  We’ve read some interesting stories and worked hard on our first few exams. Now...

Nursery News

We had a great time exploring the color Red!   We especially enjoyed tasting four different healthy red snacks and charting our favorite one! Next week, we are going to explore the color Blue.  We will read the book Blueberries For Sal and create baskets of blueberry...