4th Grade Class News – Week of February 6th

Our Superbowl Party last Friday was fun!  Congratulations to Janelle and Kaylah for winning our friendly competition! This week I will be administering Benchmark exams in Math and Language Arts.  These exams were also given at the beginning of the school year and are...

4th Grade News – Week of January 23rd

This Thursday is the end of our second marking quarter.  Report cards will be available online next week. We will use the new marking quarter to begin a few new methods and routines in our classroom.  Regarding behavior, we have already begun a new system in our...

4th Grade Class News – Week of January 16th

I hope everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend.  The students are working on persuasive essays about improvements they’d like to see made to our school or classroom.  We are working on developing reasons that are supported by facts and details.  Ms. Mazza agreed...

4th Grade News – Week of January 9th

At this time in the school year, students should be comfortable with the good study habits and test taking strategies that they have learned.  Major exams are always announced a week in advance and students should be studying for 3-4 nights in order to do well.  While...

4th Grade News – week of January 2nd

Happy New Year!  I hope all of the 4th grade families had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed the vacation week. As we return to school to finish the second marking quarter, we will begin a fresh start in all of our academic subject areas.  Additionally we will be reading...

4th Grade News – week of December 19th

It’s hard to believe that the birth of our Savior is finally upon us.  The students have been writing Christmas stories during the month of December and will be bringing them home in a folder this week to share with their families.  Each child retold the...