Welcome to 4th Grade!

I’m excited about a new year in 4th grade!  Welcome to all the students and their families.  I look forward to working as a team this year to help each of the children achieve their personal best.  Our classroom will be a positive environment where we will not...

Our final week in 4th grade…

We are in the home stretch with our final week of school.  We completed our Benchmark testing last week and this week will focus on finishing Math Chapter 12. On Tuesday the class moms have coordinated a pizza lunch and ice cream treat for the class.  I’d like...

4th Grade News – Week of June 5th

It’s hard to believe we are down to our final days of 4th grade.  We have completed most of our units in several academic subjects and are now doing review work which will help reinforce what they’ve learned throughout the school year. This week they are...

Nursery News

This week we are exploring all about butterflies and other insects. Our live caterpillars are in their cocoons and we can’t wait to see what they will look like when they emerge! The end of the school year is quickly approaching. Please mark your calendars with...

4th Grade News – week of May 15th

The 4th graders did an amazing job in last week’s Spring Concert.  It’s so wonderful to see how far they have come as musicians this year. I hope all of the moms from our class enjoyed their Mother’s Day and especially liked the gifts the students...