Terranova Testing Week

  The fourth grade classes had a terrific time at our first Science Friday event last week.  The students rotated in groups through four different science activities related to our current chapter on the human body.  This was a great way to bring some hands on...

Week of October 7th

This week in 7A Religion we will finish the video on the prophet Jeremiah.  We will then continue with a discussion on the Creation Story.  We will use Genesis 1 as well as Isaiah 55 and Hosea 11. Our Memory Quiz this week is the Fourth Commandment.  The Quiz is on...

Ms. Hansen’s Notes Week of 10/7

Last week we had a lot of fun making sailor hats to wear while we read Herbie Sails into Second Grade. We also enjoyed making Moses puppets to remind us that God is with us at all times, even when we are scared. Here’s a look at what we will be learning this...

Mr. Anderson’s Class Notes 10/7

Regents Earth Science – We have recently completed 2 labs; a Rock and Mineral Classification lab and a Mineral Identification lab. We are going to go into more detail regarding Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks this week along with doing an Igneous Rock...

4AA Class Notes – Week of 10/7/13

REMINDERS: No reminders   TESTS THIS WEEK: 10/8 – Chapter 1 Social Studies Test 10/10 – Memory Quiz (Apostle’s Creed 3rd Petition) 10/11 – Spelling Test (Unit 5)   UPCOMING TESTS/QUIZZES: 10/17 – Memory Quiz (Entire Apostle’s Creed) 10/18...