Spring Inspirations…in the art room!

New Projects this Week: 5A — Sketch and Watercolor of Zinnia Flowers 7A/7AA — Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart Poster Drawing 6A/6AA — Seurat/The River Seine…Pointillism with Watercolor Paints 8A/8AA — G. O’Keefe Large Chalk Pastel Flowers...

Our Artists are Preparing for Spring!

New Projects We Are Working On This Week~ 7A/7AA – We will be working in pairs to create posters for Hoops for Heart. 8AA – Uses chalk pastels to make a large flower fashioned after the style of artist Georgia O’Keefe. 1AA – Learns how to draw...

Calling All Artists…

Art Contest #3 ~  Doodle 4 Google 2014 Logo Design/ Theme:  “If I Could Invent One Thing to Make the World a Better Place…”  All entries should be postmarked no later than March 13 to be received by the deadline of March 20th.  Check out the website...

This Week in Art…

New Projects This Week: KA/KAA  — Shades of Green/Shamrock-Magazine Collage 6A/6AA  — Seurat/Pointillism-“The River Seine” in Watercolor 8A/8AA  — Sunset Silhouette Watercolor 1AA — Rainbow Fish Watercolor, project based on the book...

Imagination Rules in the Art Room…

OPTIONAL ART CONTESTS — DEADLINE REMINDERS  ~ Deadline for Martin Luther King Jr. Poster Contest:  postmarked by 2/28/14 Check out the website for details:  scholastic.com/MLKDay/contest Deadline for AAA Traffic Safety Poster Contest:  postmarked by 3/14/14...