by Robert Stainkamp | Oct 5, 2016 | 8th Grade Science - Mr. Stainkamp
It’s Here! Students this week will be receiving a digital copy of their Social Studies textbook for them to use on their Google Chromebook! We will be starting chapter two, which begins with the oldest human relatives and how they migrated across the globe. HW...
by Robert Stainkamp | Sep 27, 2016 | 8th Grade Science - Mr. Stainkamp
Happy last week in September! With September almost behind us things are starting to smooth out. If there continue to be Chromebook issues please reach out so that we can fix them. I’m happy to say that by the end of the week students will have a digital copy of...
by Robert Stainkamp | Sep 20, 2016 | 8th Grade Science - Mr. Stainkamp
This week in Social Studies we will continue to utilize the Chromebooks as a learning aid, and have been getting more and more familiar and comfortable using them in a classroom setting. We will also have our first quiz later on in the week, It will be on...
by Robert Stainkamp | Sep 7, 2016 | 8th Grade Science - Mr. Stainkamp
“We are not makers of history. We are made by history” ~Martin Luther King Jr. Welcome back! I hope you all had a great summer, I’m looking forward to teaching 6th grade Social studies, where it’s all Ancient History. This week we will be getting used to...
by Robert Stainkamp | Jan 19, 2016 | 8th Grade Science - Mr. Stainkamp
This week in science we will be completing our Jeopardy Game Project. We will also be taking the chapter 5 pt. 2 test which will be on Friday.
by Robert Stainkamp | Nov 20, 2015 | 8th Grade Science - Mr. Stainkamp
Hey, This week we will be finishing out Chapter 4. There is a HW packet that will be due next Monday, please be sure to use the text book to complete it. The Chapter 4 Test will be on December 1st when we return from Thanksgiving Break. ~Mr....