
Hey! This week starts our unit on the Stars. We will be learning about how our solar system was formed, what makes the earth go around the Sun and many other astronomical discoveries. There will be a quick quiz on Thursday. HINT: Know who the first major astronomer...

September 17th

Hope everyone is adjusting back to their school schedules. I just wanted to let everyone know that there is a science test on this thursday the 19th of september. It will be on chapter one. The students have already received and completed their review packet and...

Textbook and Workbook

Hey! To try and make things easier this year I found a digital copy of the Textbook and the Workbook. They can be downloaded below as a pdf. I encourage everyone to download a copy of the textbook because it may make completing your homework easier. I also strongly...

Welcome Back!

Hope everyone had a great summer, and is looking forward to a new and exciting school year. I’m looking forward to teaching 6th Grade Science this year very much. I have always loved science and worked for many years as a head consular and animal demonstrator at...