May 27-31 No school Monday 5/27

The last week of May!!! Here we go… Religion: Compassion, devotions Reading: We will complete The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and have a test Grammar: conjunctions Vocabulary: Unit 15 Journal writing 🙂 We will begin the end of the year ELA assessment:...

A Short Week…. May 20-24

No school Thursday or Friday… Reading: We are enjoying The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Test upon completion. Vocabulary: Unit14 in text Grammar: Using good and well, real and very-text Spelling Words from Edward Tulane: Test Wednesday Math: Unit 20...

May 6-10 Field trip Wed.

Field trip Wed. Bring a bag lunch. Dress appropriately for the weather Math: Review dividing decimals, test. Ch 19 Graphs, Patterns, and Geometry Reading: Play in Storyworks-Pinnochio-comprehension activities. Begin reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane...

April 29- May 3…

Hello Spring! We are counting the days we have left… Your students are getting ready for middle school… Religion: Parables Math:ch 17 divide decimals ELA: We will finish reading THe Cricket in Times Square-test. Comprehension questions graded. Writing: How...

April 22-26 Another full week….

Fifth grade is busy….. Math: Ch 16 Multiply Decimals quiz and test. Ch 17 Divide Decimals ELA: We are reading The Cricket in Times Square-comprehension-vocabulary-test. Grammar: Contractions with not Vocabulary: Test Unit 10 Spelling: Fifth grade words and words...

April 15-19

Thank you for all the birthday wishes. It was a good day. We have another busy week. Here’s what’s going on… Religion: Jesus and his parables. ELA: We will be reading and exploring a Storyworks issue. Students enjoy fiction and non-fiction texts...