Here comes Christmas!! 12/21-12/25

Only two days!!!! We will be beginning ch 6 in math: Adding and Sutracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators. We will begin ch.8 in science: Weather Patterns and Ch.9 in S,S, Breaking Ties With Great Britain. We are reading a book titled: The Dog Who Thought He Was...

Dec. 14-18

There’s quite a bit going on… ELA; Reading: Passage:’Everglades Forever’ vocabulary and comprehension on test Friday. Grammar: Conjunctions. On test Friday Writing: Informative writing: cause and effect essay. Final copy due Friday. Spelling:...

12/7-12/11 Our Savior is born!!

We are in full swing for the Christmas season… Concert: Tuesday eveing 7;00. Whoo-who!! ELA: reading: Story: Old Yeller, vocabulary and comprehension test Fri. grammar: direct and indirect objects. Test Friday. Writing: Informative writing: compare and contrast...