In the Middle school, the basketball unit is now ending and we are transitioning into our Wellness Unit. This unit includes “lifetime activities” which students can continue to enjoy well into their adult years. I gave students an overview of the unit and their attitudes went from dreading it, to being excited to try the new activities (yoga, cardio dance, different forms of workouts, etc.). Once again, I love to see the students’ enthusiasm every day in my classes!
In our younger classes, we are beginning to move into sport skills such as dribbling basketballs and soccer balls as well as some volleyball skills. I look forward to watching the students continue to develop.
In Kindergarten news, December 10th is going to be a very exciting day. The Pre-K class here at TLS will be joining a Physical Education class with Kindergarten in order to experience what a Kindergarten class is like. I am very excited to have the classes come together to enjoy a fun lesson!