ECC1-Toddler-week of Jan 9

Hello to my wonderful families, I hope the new year is being good to all of you! This week we will be learning about the letter Jj. We will also be learning about the cold weather, how to keep warm and the clothing we should be wearing when its cold outside. I will be...

ECC 1-Nursery-week of Jan.9

Hello to my wonderful families, I hope the new year is being good to all of you! This week we will be learning about the letter Jj. We will also be learning about the cold weather, how to keep warm and the clothing we should be wearing when its cold outside. I will be...

ECC 1-toddler-week 1/3/23

Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break! Welcome back to the first week of January 2023! This week we will be learning the letter I and discussing the winter weather and the changes winter has brought us. We will be experimenting with ice too. The...

ECC 1-Nursery-week 1/3/23

Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break! Welcome back to the first week of January 2023! This week we will be learning the letter I and discussing the winter weather and the changes winter has brought us. We will be talking about what a resolution...

ECC1-toddler-week 12/12

Two weeks until Christmas!!!! I’m not ready!! We are so busy in our classroom, and we are ready for our Christmas program!! The children have been working so hard and they are so excited to show their families what they’ve learned. Miss Punam and I are so...