April 8-11

Hope veryone had a wonderful break.. We are into the last trimester and pushing ahead… Religion: The Bible Reading: We are reading a great book about friendship called The Homework Machine. Comprehension questions and writing will be completed. We will have a...

A short week March 25-29

Have a fantastic Easter!! Three school days before the break…Here’s what is going on… Religion: Easter!! Reading: We will finish Stick Dog Dreams of Ice Cream. Grammar: Progressive Forms of Verbs Vocabulary: Unit 8 in text Writing: How to...

March 18-22… No school Friday!

No school 3/22==Professional Develpoment for teachers Here’s what we will be doing: Math: Adding and Subtracting Decimals-Ch.14: Quiz 3/25, test 3/26 Readng: We are reading Stick Dog Dreams of Ice Cream. Most of the reading will be done independently. We will be...

March 11-15…Good -bye trimester two.

We have a busy week closing out trimester two: Religion: We will review the Tinity and create shamrocks that are three parts but one shamrock to remind us that our wonderful God is three parts, yet one God. We will make crosses that remind us of what Jesus did for us...

March 4-8

BOOK FAIR!! Monday and Tuesday. Religion: Old Testament. We are learning about the boyhood of Jesus in our devotions. Reading: We are finishing The Jacket-test upon completion. We are also reading a play in our Storyworks and will be learning about inferencing. No...