by Karen Lively | Feb 11, 2014 | 5th Grade - Mrs. Lively
We are catching up from the snow days last week…. Spelling: words from short stories: test Friday Math: Multiply decimal fractions with tenths by multi-digit whole numbers using place value understanding to record partial products. Quiz Wed. ( We will review in...
by Karen Lively | Feb 4, 2014 | 5th Grade - Mrs. Lively
Here’s what’s going on… Spelling: More Edward Tulane words: Test Friday. Math: Fluently multilpy multi digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm to solve multi-step word problems. Multiply decimal fractions with tenths by multi digit whole...
by Karen Lively | Jan 27, 2014 | 5th Grade - Mrs. Lively
Spelling: words from The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Test Friday Science: Ch 6 test and notebook check Tuesday. Biome/ecosystem pamphlet due Monday 1/27. Begin Ch 7: Reading: We are reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. It is a wonderful book...
by Karen Lively | Jan 13, 2014 | 5th Grade - Mrs. Lively
Spelling: Words from the story: It’s Our World Too! Test Friday Math: Converting numerical expressions into unit form as a mental strategy for multi-digit multiplication. Connecting visual models and the distributive property to partial products of the standard...
by Karen Lively | Jan 8, 2014 | 5th Grade - Mrs. Lively
Spelling: Words from The Jacket: test Friday S.S.: Ch. 7;quiz 1/14. test 1/15 Science: ch. 5 quiz 1/16. test 1/24. writing: Four kinds of sentences: quiz Thursday. Reading: The Jacket: test 1/14. Math: test 1/24: Convert numerical expressions into unit form as a...