by Karen Lively | Sep 4, 2019 | 5th Grade - Mrs. Lively
Welcome the fifth grade. Please be sure your child hands in the summer reading by Sept. 22nd. Back To School Night: Sept 17th. All day trio to Philadelphia: Oct. 18th Every student has an adult go with him/her. More details to come. Thank you for getting the supplies....
by Karen Lively | Jun 22, 2019 | 5th Grade - Mrs. Lively
Have a great summer!
by Karen Lively | Jun 17, 2019 | 5th Grade - Mrs. Lively
ELA: We are reading Number The Stars. Test upon completion. Science Unit 5 test Wednesday. We are finishing our president projects. We are presenting the commercials for our New Cereal on the Shelf book reports.
by Karen Lively | May 29, 2019 | 5th Grade - Mrs. Lively
Our last week in May: ELA: We are completing book report posters about a book we read this year. These will be done in class. Please review the idea of using time wisely with your child. Test Friday on your child’s First Chapter Friday book. Test Friday on May...
by Karen Lively | May 13, 2019 | 5th Grade - Mrs. Lively
Here we go: ELA: Journey’s: “Lunch Money” Grammar: adjectives. Vocabulary, comprehension, grammar on test Friday Students are reading a book of their choice (from my options) in class this week. They will be completing various writing activities...