June 10-13 Our last days together…

It’s hard to believe the year is behind us. Thank you again for your assistance and support. We are going to make the last few days count…. Religion: We will be talking about compassion. Devotions Reading: Finish reading The City of Ember. Test . We will...

Our last full week!!!! June 3-7

There’s quite a bit going on… Reading: We are finishing The Tiger Rising. A great story of friendship and dealing with big emotions. We will complete a cereal box book report. We will start The City of Ember. Vocabulary: Text Unit 15 Grammar: Prepositions,...

May 27-31 No school Monday 5/27

The last week of May!!! Here we go… Religion: Compassion, devotions Reading: We will complete The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and have a test Grammar: conjunctions Vocabulary: Unit 15 Journal writing 🙂 We will begin the end of the year ELA assessment:...

A Short Week…. May 20-24

No school Thursday or Friday… Reading: We are enjoying The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Test upon completion. Vocabulary: Unit14 in text Grammar: Using good and well, real and very-text Spelling Words from Edward Tulane: Test Wednesday Math: Unit 20...

May 6-10 Field trip Wed.

Field trip Wed. Bring a bag lunch. Dress appropriately for the weather Math: Review dividing decimals, test. Ch 19 Graphs, Patterns, and Geometry Reading: Play in Storyworks-Pinnochio-comprehension activities. Begin reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane...