Mrs. Forte’s Math News

Math 6 This week we are  starting a new chapter on statistics.  We will be learning about mean, median, and mode, as well as measures of variation (minimum, maximum, range, and outliers).  We will also be exploring quartiles and how to create a box and whisker plot. ...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News – Week of 12/4- 12/8

Math 6 This week we will be finishing up our percent projects.  We will also be reviewing for our chapter test on percents, which will be on Wednesday, 12/6.  Use the review sheet to help guide your studying.  Students will need to be able to convert between...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News Week of 11/13 to 11/17

Math 6 This week we will be finishing up our unit on decimals.  The test will be on Thursday, 11/6.  It covers adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividng decimals, as well as application word problems.  Use the review packet that will go home on Wednesday to help...