Mrs. Forte’s Math News – 10/17-10/21

Pre- Algebra This week we are finishing up our chapter on scientific notation.  On Monday and Tuesday we will be reviewing for the chapter test which will be on Wednesday, 10/19.  The remindar of the week will focus on 2 step equations. Algebra This week we are...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News- 10/10-10/14

Pre- Algebra This week we are continuing with our unit on scientific notation. This week we will learn how to add and subtract numbers in scientific notation.  On Thursday, 10/13 there will be a quiz on comparing #s in scientific notation, as well as, adding,...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News – Week of 10/3 – 10/7

Pre- Algebra This week we are continuing with our unit on scientific notation.  We will have a quiz on Wednesday, 10/5 on writing large and small numbers in scientific notation, as well as converting numbers in scientific notation to standard form.  Later in the week...