Mrs. Forte’s Math News Week of 3/31 to 4/4

Math 6 This week we are continuing working with solving 1 and 2 step equations. There is a quiz on solving 1 step equations on Tuesday, 4/1 and a quiz on 2 step equations on Friday, 4/4.   Pre-Algebra This week we will be working with the midpoint formula. We...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News- Week of 3/24 to 3/28

Math 6 This week we are still working on our new unit on computations with positive and negative numbers.  This week we will be exploring multiplication and division of positive and negative integers. There will be a quiz on this topic on Wednesday, 3/26. The...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News: Week of 3/17 to 3/21

Math 6 This week we are starting a new unit on computations with positive and negative numbers.  We will begin with addition and subtraction of positive and negative numbers.  There will be a quiz on this topic on Thursday, 3/20.   Pre-Algebra We have a geometry...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News – Week of 3/10- 3/14

Math 6 This week we are finishing up our unit on expressions.  We will be reviewing for our exam, which is on Wednesday, 3/12.  The exam covers the following topics:  Exponents, Order of Operations (PEMDAS), translating expressions, evaluating expressions,...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News- Week of 2/24 -2/28

Math 6 This week we are beginning to explore more about Algebra.  We will be learning how to evaluate expressions and creating a google slide presentation on the origins of Algebra.  There will be a quiz on Thursday, 2/27 on evaluating expressions. Pre-Algebra This...