Notes from Mrs. Gallo – Week of 12/2/24

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. 7 Math:  There will be a quiz Tuesday on multi-step equations.  In class this week we will be learning how to solve 1 and 2 step inequalities. Life Science:  The 4.3 quiz will be on Wednesday.  We...

Notes from Mrs. Gallo – Week of 11/25/24

Happy Thanksgiving!   This week there is no school on Thursday and Friday.  On Wednesday, we will be celebrating with our schoolwide Thanksgiving Feast. 7 Math:  This week in class we will continue learning how to solve multi-step equations. Life Science:  This week...

Notes from Mrs. Gallo – Week of 11/18/24

7 Math:  This week in class we will be learning how to solve two step equations.  On Thursday, 11/21 there will be a quiz on one and two step equations.  At the end of the week, we will begin learning how to solve multi-step equations using the skills we learned at...

Notes from Mrs. Gallo – Week of 11/11/24

On Monday, 11/11 there is no school due to Veteran’s Day.  On Friday, 11/15 there is no school due to Parent Teacher Conferences.  If you have not already signed up for conferences please do so to guarentee a spot to come in and talk about your child’s...

Notes from Mrs. Gallo – week of 11/4/24

7 Math:  This week we will review for the percent test which will be on Wednesday, 11/6.  We will also begin our next unit learning about combining like terms and the distributive property. Life Science:  The chapter 3 test is on Tuesday, 11/5.  This week we will be...