Mrs. Gallo’s Notes – Week of 9/25/23

Life Science:  The chapter 1 test is Thursday.  In class this week we will be completing a penny drop lab learning how to type up a lab report. Living Environment:  The unit 1 exam is on Tuesday.  The review guide has been posted on Google classroom.  This week in...

Notes from Mrs. Gallo – Week of 9/18/23

Life Science:  The 1.3/1.4 quiz will be on Friday.  This week in class we will be discussing scientific models and measurement.  The chapter 1 test will be next week on 9/28.  A review sheet will be given out in class this week. Living Environment:  The chapter 2 quiz...

Notes from Mrs. Gallo – Week of 9/11/23

Life Science:  This week in class we will begin with Chapter 1 learning about what life science is and the scientific method.  To help us learn more about the scientific method we will be working on a lab learning about procedures and methods to use.  There will be a...

Notes from Mrs. Gallo – Week of 6/12

We have made it to the last week of school.   Congratulations to 8th grade on graduation!   I hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing summer! Life and Physical Science:  The final is on Wednesday morning. Living Environment:  The regents is on Wednesday afternoon. ...

Notes from Mrs. Gallo – Week of 6/5

Life Science:  There will be a review test on Tuesday on chapters 4-6.  There will be a review test on Friday on chapters 9, 22-26.   This week we will finish up the final review.  The science final is on Wednesday, June 14th. Living Environment:  There will be a...