Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of December 4th

Greetings! Can you believe we are already starting December?! Time is flying by. Here is the news for this week: 7th Social Studies This week the students will be studying life in the 13 English colonies, especially culture and social divisions. At the end of the...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of November 27th

Welcome back to a new week at Trinity! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Here are the plans for this week. 7th Social Studies This week we are studying what life was like for those living in the 13 English Colonies. We are starting with government origins...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for th Week of November 20th

Happy almost Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope everyone has a blessed holiday with your family and friends. Here are the plans for our short week of school. 7th Social Studies On Monday, due to the Turkey Trot, I will not meet with the classes. On Tuesday and Wednesday,...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of November 13th

I hope everyone had a lovely long weekend. Veterans, thank you for your bravery and sacrifice. Here are the plans for this week. 7th Social Studies On Thursday, seventh grade will be taking their test on Chapter 3, the settlement of the 13 Colonies. Extra help will be...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of November 6th

Hello, everyone! Here are the plans for this week. 7th Social Studies This week we will be concluding our study of hte first 13 English colonies as well as the settlement of the Spanish colonies in America. The students will have their test on Chapter 3 on Thursday,...