by Erika Skoch | Nov 22, 2024 | Mrs. Skoch
Happy early Thanksgiving, everyone! Since we have a short week, there are just a few updates. 6th Religion We will begin the book of Judges by studying one of the few female leaders of the Bible, Deborah, and how she and her general Barak led the Israelites to...
by Erika Skoch | Nov 15, 2024 | Mrs. Skoch
Hello, everyone! After a short week last week, we have a full week ahead of us. so here are the updates. 6th Religion After several weeks of studying the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt, we will finally study how they entered the Promised Land! We will read about...
by Erika Skoch | Nov 8, 2024 | Mrs. Skoch
Welcome back! First of all, I would like to thank all of our Veterans and active military members for your service and willingness to put your lives on the line for our nation. 6th Religion This week we will look at the highly unusual story of Balaam and his donkey,...
by Erika Skoch | Nov 2, 2024 | Mrs. Skoch
Welcome back to a new week at Trinity! As we have our Presidential election this Tuesday, each of the classes will learn about the main candidates from both parties and how our voting system works. We will use Jr. Scholastic as our guide through the process. However,...
by Erika Skoch | Oct 25, 2024 | Mrs. Skoch
Welcome back! Here are the updates for this week. 6th Religion In sixth grade religion, the students will learn about how Moses managed the Israelites while they were traveling in the wilderness on the way to the Promised Land. We will read about how Moses’...