ARTrageous Adventures…in the Art Room

This Week in Art — 9/17 – 9/21/18 ECC:  Welcome to Art Class/Artist:  C. Monet — Lily Pond Kindergarten:  Fall Collage Gr. 1:  Rainbow Fish cont… Gr. 2:  Autumn Activity Drawing and Sponge paint Gr. 3:  Artist:  V. VanGogh — Texture,...

ARTrageous Adventures…in the Art Room

This Week in Art 9/10 – 9/14/18 REMINDER:  All students must bring a pencil and agenda book to art class each week to be fully prepared. All students will be bringing home a Note to Parents.   (Grades 3 – 8) have the Art Contract to be signed by a parent...

ARTrageous Adventures…in the Art Room

Mrs. Kerwin’s School Notes — Week of 9/5 – 9/7/18 Welcome Back to School and all our Creative Adventures in the Art Room! All K-8 and Art Elective students must bring a pencil and agenda book to each class.  Students who DO NOT have a pencil will be...