6th grade Spanish

Hola! Bienvenidos a la semana del 22 de octubre. Welcome the 6th grade Spanish for the week of 10/33/18, which is Spirit week. This week we will finish up our family trees and continue out review of School supplies/items in Spanish. The students will also learn how to...

7th grade Spanish

Hola! Bienvenidos a la semana del 22 de octubre. Welcome to 7th grade Spanish for the week of 10/22/18 which is Spirit week. This week we will continue with how to state and ask for the time in Spanish. Practice with them at home with “ Que hora es?, Son las …...

8th grade Spanish

Hola Bienvenidos a la clase de espanol  for 8th grade. For the week of 10/15/18 we will finish up Hispanic Heritage month by reviewing the past topics of gustar. The students must know how to express their likes and dislikes in Spanish.  Afterwards we will then go...

7th grade Spanish

Hola Bienvenidos a la clase de espanol for 7th grade. For the week of 10/15/18, we will finish Hispanic Heritage month as we continue with the new topic “La hora”, which is telling time in Spanish. We will review last week’s topic and introduce how to tell time past...

6th Grade Spanish

Hola Bienvenidos a la clase de espanol for 6th grade. For the week of 10/15/18, as we finish up Hispanic Heritage month we will finish up our family tree and practice for their oral quiz that they will have the following week. We will also work reviewing colors and...