1st grade Computers

Welcome to First Grade Computers for the month of November! This month we will finish up our mouse clicking practice and go into more keyboard practice by creating digital projects and learning how to navigate the computer more efficiently.  I look forward to having...

Third Grade Spanish

Bienvenido a la clase de español para el mes de noviembre. Welcome to the third grade Spanish class for the month of november. This month we will spent the first part of the month finish reviewing past topics such greetings, being polite, and holding a practice...

Fifth Grade Spanish for November

Bienvenido a la clase de español para el mes de noviembre. Welcome to fifth grade Spanish class for the month of november. This month the students will take everything they have learned so far and will have an oral quiz on a basic conversation. We will focus on the...

Fourth Grade Spanish for November

Bienvenido a la clase de español para el mes de noviembre. Welcome to the fourth grade Spanish class for the month of november. This month we will finish reviewing past topics so that they can have their first oral quiz. They will learn how to hold a practice...