Kinderegarten Computers for January

This month we will review past learned skills and continue to learn how to navigate the internet. Students will learn how to maneuver the internet and internet safety. Here is to an amazing New Year.

8th grade Spanish for the week of 1/1/19

Hola y Bienvenidos a la clase de español para la semana de 1/1/19. Hello and welcome to eighth grade Spanish for the week of 1/1/19. Since it is a short week we will review the preterite and vocabulary for winter and summer activities to help them prepare for their...

7th grade Spanish for the week of 1/1/19

Hola y Bienvenidos a la clase de español para la semana de 1/1/19. Hello and welcome to seventh grade for the week of 1/2/19.  We will review adjectives and prepare them for their first quiz of the year on adjectives and the verb ser in Spanish. We will also review...