1st grade computers for April

This month for the month of April, in First grade computers, they will continue to practice with typing and their mouse skills. They will go into using programs and online games that will help them learn how to to continue to maneuver the internet, as safe internet...

5th grade Spanish for April

Hola Bienvenidos a la clase de español para el me de abril. Welcome to 5th grade Spanish for the month of April. This month we will continue to go into verbs in Spanish and “Las Pascuas”. Que Dios los bendiga, May God bless.  

7th grade Spanish for the week of 3/25/19

Bienvenidos a la clase de español de séptimo grado  para la semana de 25/3/19. Welcome to seventh grade Spanish for the week of  3/25/19. This week we will continue our review of the home vocabulary. Students will get into their groups and work together to map out a...