Week of 1/10/22-1/14/22

Hello Parents! What a wonderful snow day Friday was to kick start the month of January! I hop everyone stayed warm and cozy inside. Please remember to continue filling out the daily attestations upon arrival. We are continuing theme 4 “Awesome Animals” and...

Week of 1/3/21-1/7/21

Hello Parents! It has been a long winter break but much needed! I hope everyone got some rest, had a wonderful Christmas and is ready for the New Year. Mrs. Gonzalez and I can’t wait to see the children on Monday! Please remember to continue filling out the...

Week of 12/6/21-12/10/21

Hello Parents! Christmas is right around the corner and that means so is all of our Holiday festivities! Please continue to fill out the daily attestation upon arrival. Also, please continue to keep your child home if they are not feeling their best. We are all in...

Week of 11/29/21-12/3/21

Hello Parents! It is officially hat, glove and scarf weather! I am for sure going to miss the warm sun. We are still going to go outside if the weather permits so please continue to send in the proper attire for your child. Please also continue to fill out the daily...

Week of 11/15/21-11/19/21

Hello Parents! The weather is starting to get colder and colder so please continue to pack the proper attire for outside weather as we are still going outside to the playground. Please remember to continue filling out the daily attestations upon arrival. We are...