ELA 1/16-1/19

Monday, January 15th: Martin Luther King Day Observed School is closed. We’ve had quite a few absences lately, so please make sure your child is up to date and asks me for the missing work! 6th Grade: The Watsons go to Birmingham: We are in the middle of chapter...

ELA 1/8-1/12

Friday all grades will have a Unit 6 Vocab quiz.  The workbook (everything except writing) will be counted as a homework grade also due 1/12). 6th grade began The Watson’s Go to Birmingham on Friday1/5 after briefly learning about the civil rights movement. ...

ELA January 2-January 5

Welcome Back and Happy New Year!! To kick things off, all grades are front loading research to provide them with background information for the new novel we are reading. 6th grade will be reading The Watson’s Go To Birmingham, a novel about the Civil Rights...

ELA: 12/11-12/19

Let the countdown begin! Students in all 3 classes are busy on their assessments for their novels.  They are working diligently on their slideshows and I am hoping I have a few brave souls to share them with the class.  Ask your child to see their’s, they are...

ELA 12/4-12/8

Hello! 6th and 7th grade have completed their novels and will begin working on their novel assessments.  Students are required to complete a plot diagram chart, write a summary and create an online scrapbook.  All work is being presented in class and will be 100%...