4th Grade News – week of December 19th

It’s hard to believe that the birth of our Savior is finally upon us.  The students have been writing Christmas stories during the month of December and will be bringing them home in a folder this week to share with their families.  Each child retold the...

4th Grade News – week of December 12th

Our class did an amazing job when we visited Hofstra’s museum on Friday. They were inquisitive and interested as we looked at the artifacts and made inferences about why they were created many years ago. It was fun eating lunch on a college campus! This week we...

Pre-K- Week of December 11, 2016

This time of the year is very busy in the Pre-K classrooms. The children have been learning the Christmas songs for our program on Friday, December 16th at 9:30am.  They are singing so nice and having a lot of fun! Jesus time:  December is all about the birth of...

Spanish 12/12 12/16

5th Grade: This week in fifth grade students  will dive deeper into looking at how to tell time in Spanish. We are also preparing for our first project. All guidelines and information about this project are on Google Classroom. 4th Grade: This week in fourth grade we...