4th Grade News – Week of January 9th

At this time in the school year, students should be comfortable with the good study habits and test taking strategies that they have learned.  Major exams are always announced a week in advance and students should be studying for 3-4 nights in order to do well.  While...

4th Grade News – week of January 2nd

Happy New Year!  I hope all of the 4th grade families had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed the vacation week. As we return to school to finish the second marking quarter, we will begin a fresh start in all of our academic subject areas.  Additionally we will be reading...

Spanish 12/19- 12/21

3rd Grade: This week 3rd grade will continue working with greeting and farewells in Spanish class. Homework will be page #10 in the workbook 4th Grade: This week fourth grade will continue working with greeting and clothing. Homework on the workbook(pages # 9,10,11...

Spanish 12/19- 12/21

6th Grade: This week sixth grade will learn new vocabulary words about “;a Familia” in Spanish. Students are responsible for reviewing over the recess all available resources on Google Classroom. 7th Grade: This week seventh grade will keep working with...