4th Grade News – Week of January 23rd

This Thursday is the end of our second marking quarter.  Report cards will be available online next week. We will use the new marking quarter to begin a few new methods and routines in our classroom.  Regarding behavior, we have already begun a new system in our...

Spanish Elementary

4th Grade: This week fourth grade will work on colors in the target language. homework: pag. 5,6,42,43, and 44 5th Grade: This week we will work on our first project “sports and leisure activities” students will collect information and will create their...

Spanish Middle School

6th Grade: This week 6th grade will work on possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives. All resources are available on Google Classroom. 7th Grade: This week 7th grade will work on conjugating regular verbs in present tense 8th Grade: This week 8th grade will work...

4th Grade Class News – Week of January 16th

I hope everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend.  The students are working on persuasive essays about improvements they’d like to see made to our school or classroom.  We are working on developing reasons that are supported by facts and details.  Ms. Mazza agreed...


READING- Our essential question is, ” What do animals do when the weather changes?” To help us answer the question we will read and discuss the following stories, Storm is Coming, and Snow. We’ll also read the informational text selection, How Water...